LightShow West October 11-12, 2017 Kentia Hall - LA Convention Center Please join us at…
wakaNINE was thrilled to exhibit at the West Edge Design Fair held in Santa Monica, CA at the historic Barker Hangar in November 2016. David Trubridge introduced his NAVICULA and DRUM fixtures along with a great display of his iconic SEED system bamboo fixtures. A new addition to the HUSH family, the MINI, was shown along with two new ranges. Ango, from Thailand, creates fixtures from silk cocoons, rattan and mulberry bark. Stephen Pikus, a designer based in South Africa, breathes new life into used diesel air filters resulting in a robust range of pendant fixtures suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
wakaNINE – WEST EDGE Nov 2016 HIGHLIGHTS from wakaNINE on Vimeo.
Check out our exhibit below.
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